Radiate courage, motivation, and Success with this Carnelian bracelet. And, when you are not wearing it, hang your carnelian bracelet on your front doorknob to attract Wealth and prosperity into your home or Business. Because carnelian is one of the few stones that never needs to be cleansed or recharged it is used to reenergize and cleanse other stones.
Protect yourself against envy and rage in you and/or in others toward you. Carnelian transforms negative energy into positive energy and dispels anything that goes contrary to a positive joyful life; including overcoming past abuse and negative conditioning.
In ancient times, carnelian was used to help deceased loved ones on their journey to the afterlife. And for the living, this stone removes the fear of death.
Activate your self-healing in the organs and systems governed by the 2nd Chakra; Sacral Chakra:
- reproductive organs in both males and females
- lower back problems
- Rheumatism
- Arthritis
- broken bones and ligaments
- Depression and neuralgia in the elderly